Tutoring business for sale in Grosse Pointe, Michigan

We offer one on one in-home tutoring for all ages and all subjects, online tutoring and ACT and SAT Prep help. We work with families throughout Metro Detroit and also provide assistance for students with learning challenges, executive skills and confidence issues. The company focuses on the Grosse Pointes and the surrounding communities and has families throughout Metro Detroit but also able to market services throughout the state.

Type of business: tutoring, in-home tutoring, tutoring services, educational services

Tutor Doctor is a very strong franchisor, in business and successful for many years. They are very supportive and very focused on franchisee success. My franchise license includes excellent demographics and the company has strong growth potential for someone interested in taking the marketing to the next level. The area is also unique with many tutors living in the area and also relatively close proximity to Wayne State for potential tutors and students. New regional franchises are selling for over $50k so for anyone interested in Tutor Doctor and wanting VERY strong demographics, this offer is a steal in my opinion. This is a great opportunity for an individual owner and also well suited for a couple or partnership.

Asking price


The selling price has been reduced due to owner retirement and includes a list of tutors (current and past) and customers (both current/ongoing and past customers). The selling price will also be adjusted for any prepaid tutoring hours at the time of company transfer. Buy will receive training from the owner as well as formal training by the franchisor.

Owner financing

Owner financing is either not considered, or not available. Get in touch for more information.

Key financial facts and forecast

The company met its financial goals in the first two years of business when I was operating it full time. It has been profitable every year and there is unlimited growth potential for someone committed to marketing it full time and being active in school and community events and programs.

Reason for selling

After many years in this business and over 30 years of working, I would like to retire and focus on family and the next stage of life.

Required buyer qualifications

Prospective buyers need to have either marketing/sales experience or a strong desire and aptitude for marketing. Networking, drive and being present are keys to success. Financial resources to pay in full for the company with sufficient operating cash for working capital and growth.

Contact seller


Grosse Pointe, Michigan, US

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Company website

The business's location on map