6 Tips How to Write Change of Ownership Announcement Letter

Our life is extremely dynamic and changes all the time at paces we sometimes cannot believe are true. You might be a small business owner today, and then you find a much better opportunity in another country or receive a great offer of selling your business to someone else. The changes in such situations are often very complex yet have to happen pretty fast. That’s when the manner of such news presentation matters the most.

It’s important to properly let your customers know that you will no longer lead their trusted company and that there’s a new owner. And sometimes, it takes just a few aspects to consider crafting a perfect announcement about that.

The Art of Announcement Letters

Every customer deserves to know who works to satisfy their needs. And if you considered writing a change of ownership announcement letter, it means you likely truly care about your business. This, in turn, makes you a good boss that people always look up to. So, the news your customers will hear might not be taken joyously. This means that a presentation of your leave must be balanced and positive so that the people who trusted you all the time would see the change of ownership as a new time with new opportunities rather than a step into the unknown.

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One good way to do that is to write a sincere address to your loyal customers. You must assure them that the new owner of your business is just as skilled as you are (and they really should be if you care about your business) and they can still trust the quality of work the company will be providing. The rest of the aspects are rather general and can be drawn down to the following points.


Make a neutral but friendly address.

Your customers must feel like you address each of them in particular. This will make them feel that you care about them and wish them all the best. You can just say "Hello" as you would do every morning, for example.

Start off with gratitude.

To make your transfer of ownership letter shine, make sure to express your gratitude to the people loyal to you and your business. If not for them, you wouldn’t probably have your business running, right?

Go on with the serious part.

This is where you tell your customers that your ownership (and leadership) is getting transferred to another person or company. Don’t forget to include the date when this happens as well as the location of the central office if the ownership of your business is transferred to another business.

Tell about the new owner.

Again, your customers deserve to know who is going to take the lead of their favorite company after you. In a few sentences, provide some brief information about who the new owner/boss is and why it’s okay to trust them.

Tell your customers you value them.

This will certainly not be bad if you tell your customers that you value them for their loyalty and devotion. You can also mention that the company’s principles won’t change in the near future, so they will be valued just as much as they were before.

Don’t forget to punch out.

As you end your letter, don’t forget to add your virtual signature of sorts, your name and your role in the company. This is for the customers to know who troubled them in the first place.

That’s mostly it. Of course, there might be other details that you may want to add throughout the process, but the major aspects are the ones above. To put this idea more vividly, see the sample of the change of ownership announcement letter below.

Sample Ownership Transfer Announcement Letter To Customers


Cracky Snacks Company,

1st Street, San Francisco, USA.

July 1, 2021.


James Mann,

99st Corn Street, Seattle, USA.

Subject: Change of Ownership Announcement Letter

Hello, James:

Thank you very much for choosing the Cracky Snacks Store! It’s been a pleasure to be with you in the past and, hopefully, will be in the future. I have written to tell you that our firm, located at 1st Street, San Francisco, is being transferred to the new owner Tasty Stuff, Inc. The change in ownership would be valid from 1st September 2021.

I’d like to note that there is no modification of the management and policies of the store. I assure you that the company is going to sustain the reputation and standing that we have managed to build for many years. I had to take the step of changing the ownership of the firm because I believe the company and I are able to pursue our opportunities separately now. Still, I assure you that the new owner, Tasty Stuff, Inc. represented by Ms. Deborah Watson, would handle the store with her sheer dedication and experience in the clothing industry.

You have always been our valued client and have trusted us from the very beginning and also in all the odds, for which we are very thankful to you — expecting to seek the same shortly.

Thanking you!

Yours truly,

Larry Hollywell,

The director of Cracky Snacks Store.

Crafting Perfection

As you can see, there’s nothing extraordinary in creating an ownership transfer announcement letter that is pleasant to read. Essentially, you have to feel the moment of your leaving and imagine how everyone would be involved. After putting that feeling on paper, there’s only one thing to do to complete the sequence. Don’t forget to give the letter to the marketing department to read and polish.

Andrew Mazur

About the author: By traveling all around the world and constantly learning new things, Andrew sure knows a lot. Working previously for TopEssayWriting, he managed to create his own network of reliable sources to write his articles. Enjoying the status of a respected and popular author, Andrew delivers only the best of them to you.

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