E-Commerce Business for Sale in Hegins

An App that lets you try on clothes before you buy them. It comes with a patent to back up the statement. I inputted the 5 year projection into the calculator. You get an A- rating with the BBB.

Type of business: e-commerce, retail, ecommerce, online shopping

It will be able to be connected into Amazon or even sold to them.

Asking price


We can negotiate if needed.

Key financial facts and forecast

$414k after year 5 plus in app purchases

Profit forecast

Pictured above: Profit Forecast

The business value graphed against a range of cost of equity

Pictured above: Business Value graphed against Cost of Equity

Reason for selling

I don't have the resources to raise capital and don't have a job.

Required buyer qualifications

Experience with m-commernce

Sales Memorandum

Download Sales Memorandum

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Category: Business | E-commerce

Updated on

Located in Hegins, Pennsylvania, US