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Legal Aspects Of Buying And Selling A Business.
When buying or selling businesses, the legal aspects need to be addressed to protect both buyer (Purchaser) and seller (Vendor), which will require a "contract of sale” agreement. Whilst no deal is the same, deals often follow a process where there are 5 key stages:-
The key here is to ensure that appropriate advisers in place; such as tax, financial and legal advisers. Before discussions for sale or purchase get underway make sure that there is a Confidentiality Agreement or Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in place. This will help ensure that matters remain confidential during negotiations and remain so, should the deal fall through, with important documentation returned to the Vendor.
Selling A Business - Legal Aspects And Considerations
Written by: Barry F Gartenberg
Business Attorney
Business Sale of Business
Posted over 2 years ago. 1 helpful vote
Rather than selling the company, a business owner could, of course, wind-up and dissolve the company. However, in doing so, the business owner will not be able to fully realize the value of the company’s goodwill. In essence, goodwill consists of a business’ reputation, patronage and other intangible assets. Typically, a successful business develops these attributes over a period of time. A buyer will benefit by acquiring a company with some level of "ready-made” business and, accordingly, the seller can demand a price "premium” for this additional value.
Legal Aspects Of Buying Or Selling A Business
Please call us for all your legal needs. We offer a full range of legal services to individuals, families and businesses, including personal injury, estate planning, real estate, family law and business matters. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality legal services at a reasonable cost.
The information contained in this article and throughout this Information Center is of a general nature. Due to constant changes in the law, exceptions to general rules of law, and variations of state laws, seek professional legal assistance before acting on any matter.
Selling A Business - Legal Aspects And Considerations
I offer legal services to new and established businesses and their owners, executives, and managers in matters of corporate law (including partnerships and limited liability companies), employment law and commercial real estate law. Because I have owned a business myself, I understand the many issues that business owners face. As an entrepreneur having been involved in a number of ventures, I am also aware of the challenges of startup and newly established organizations. Whatever the type and size of your business, I pledge to work with you and protect your interests in the very dynamic environment of business law. Please contact me at:
Legal Aspects Of Selling A Business - Venture Capital | Term Sheets
Two different confidentiality agreements / non-disclosure agreements are offered, sold as a package. 1) External Contacts: This agreement is the one to use with contractors, vendors, consultants, potential employees, licensees and anyone else that will have access to your business. You can even have full-time employees sign this non-disclosure agreement, in addition to the employment contract. 2) Mutual Contacts: This is a "mutual" non-disclosure agreement, which stipulates that both parties (both you, and your contact) will not disclose proprietary information. This is used when talking to an "equal," like a potential partner, investor or even a competitor.