How To Tell If Your Business Is Healthy...Or Floundering
When someone asks: How's business? Do you really know what to say?
If you're like many business owners, you may roll along with the dim feeling that your business is holding its own. But in the back of your mind is the nagging feeling that honestly, you don't know for sure if you're falling behind the competition or pulling ahead.
Know how you can tell if your business is really thriving? Benchmark.
Compare your business to other businesses in your industry. As a recent article from small-business research firm Sageworks notes, you can by comparing key metrics, including gross revenue, net profits, profit margins, revenue growth, liquidity and turnover ratios.
How Healthy Is Your Business? 5 Ways You Could Be Sabotaging ...
A closer look at what matters to you.
This is a guest post from entrepreneurial health expert, Sarah Lockhart-Martin.
We all know about the importance of having a solid business plan, understanding your cash-flow, and following a clear sales and marketing strategy, but how many of us forget the one key ingredient which holds our businesses together?
This component is integral to the everyday running of your business, from sending emails, answering the phone, reaching goals and objectives, to creating the vision you are striving to achieve.
What could this factor be you ask? What could be more important than my beautifully laid out business plan? What is so crucial to the day to day operating of my business that I don’t know about?
How Healthy Is Your Business? | Fusebill
Do you know how healthy your subscription business is? Recently, presented a live webinar that explored the key metrics SaaS companies should monitor to know the answer to this question.
If you’re just looking at today’s revenues, you’re in for some nasty surprises. Churn, Lifetime Value, Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), and Customer Acquisition Cost are leading indicators of later revenues.
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And of course if you’d like to talk to someone at Fusebill (including Steve) you can email or call 1-888-519-1425.
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Just How Financially Healthy Is Your Small Business Anyway
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Business Measurement - How Healthy Is Your Business?
by Barney Austen on July 7th, 2011 3 Comments
Determination of the health of a business is undertaken through the implementation of metrics that allow the management team to understand how different aspects of the business are running.
The most obvious, of course, are financial metrics and it is these that most businesses are, I suspect, acutely aware – at least those that are being run well.
Essentially the measures around the money.
But there are other metrics that perhaps should be considered as part of the overall health check of the business.
And yes, this does apply to a single person business. For services based business, the ability for it to deliver it’s market offerings is directly tied to the capabilities of the consultants working within it.