Buying or Selling Your Business- Feeling Remorseful?
Part 4 in a 5 part series of an interview with Alan Rose and Chris Bond; Alan and Chris represent business buyers and sellers, respectively.
Ed: Why do you suppose folks suffer from buyer’s or seller’s remorse?
Chris: The seller suffers remorse when he or she has not done a lot of thinking, planning and understanding of what their life will look like after they part with their "baby.” So if you imagine a business owner sells the business after having owned it and run it for ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty or more years, if they don’t do a lot of goal-setting, planning, thinking and preparing for what it’s going to look like on the other side, they likely will feel lost, irrelevant and empty inside. So much of their identity was wrapped up in being the owner of that business.
Selling Your Business: A Personal Perspective
So you have decided that you want to sell your business. I guess this leaves you with mixed emotions.
Perhaps at one moment you can feel the impending liberation and the next a sense that you will miss the buzz of it all.
It’s about the rest of your life and new and different forms of fulfilment. Some business sellers will have their future path nicely mapped out before them. Many inevitably will spend large chunks of time reflecting on the past. Others will be firmly grounded in the present, living every moment.
But wait a moment. Have you ever considered that, in reality, the present moment is all there is, it’s precious, and there may not be a next moment at all?
What Does It Really Feel Like To Sell Your Business
You are thinking about selling your business. You may have uncertainty, angst, worries, trepidation, fear, unknowns, and sleeplessness nights. I believe you are not alone. My approach as a business broker in Florida is from a perspective of a former long term business owner. I truly feel some of the feelings I experienced as a business owner are very similar or the same of the business owners I work with as a business broker. While at this stage of my professional life I am "sitting on the other side of the desk" I feel I do understand the concerns, fears, thoughts of the person on the other side of the desk. There are many qualified experienced business brokers that are not former business owners and these quality brokers bring various valuable perspectives and experiences that benefit their clients. My choice to pursue my "2nd career" as a business broker comes from my recognition as a business owner of the value a business broker can bring.
Does Selling Make You Feel Dirty?
Jonathan Morrow at Copyblogger explores the age-old gripe about sales—that it requires selling your soul.
The whole idea of putting on a fake smile, pretending total strangers are your best friends, and sweet-talking average Joes and Janes into spending their hard-earned money on your products and services makes your skin crawl. It’s just not you.
And if we’re being honest? It feels wrong. Like sell-your-soul-to-the-devil-and-go-straight-to-hell wrong.
Sure, you want to build a successful business, but not if it means losing who you are. Somehow, someway, you have to figure out how to make money without abandoning your values, and yet a part of you wonders … is that really possible? The answer: yes.