Your Exit Strategy

Top 7 Ways To Maximize Your Exit Strategy For Maximum Profit

Leading financial researchers report that 75 percent of U.S. businesses do not sell. It dismays me to see entrepreneurs receiving so little in return for all their years of hard work. Or having to shut their doors with no buyers in sight.

It's even more disappointing since businesses can easily take steps to achieve maximum perceived value for a potential buyer. It just takes a little planning, know-how and application to take a $100,000 a year profit-generating business and sell it for either $200,000 or for over a million bucks.

Do the math! Multiply your profits by two and by ten.

That's the range that you can sell your business for when you follow advice I give to clients including these seven steps to maximum profit.


Reasons You Need An Exit Strategy

Most business owners concern themselves with growth and expansion, and sometimes, how to simply make ends meet.    When starting or buying a new business, the last thing on your mind is how to exit.  However, an exit strategy is a key component of a successful business plan and too few owners give this proper consideration.An exit strategy is nothing more than your plan on how you intend to leave the business.  In the end, you will either sell, close, or die.  Each of these situations offers different opportunities and challenges, but the main point of this blog post is that a business owner needs an exit strategy and here are some reasons to have one.An Exit Strategy Allows for RetirementMost business owners have a significant portion of their net worth tied up in their business.  With a proper planning, you can turn this net worth into cash to provide you with a comfortable and worry free retirement.An Exit Strategy Provides for the FutureYour family and employees depend on your business and without proper planning, your death or disability could be tragic for them.  By planning for this fairly common situation, you can make sure your business continues on in your absence and provides for their future needs.An Exit Strategy Can Provide Cash to Pursue Other DreamsRegardless of your age, many business owners dream of starting another business or becoming an angel investor to other businesses.  Selling your business can provide the cash to follow these dreams and a well structured strategy will help you maximize what you take from the business and provide the liquidity to pursue new opportunities.An Exit Strategy Will Appeal to InvestorsMost outside investors want to know how they are going to get repaid.  For many investors, an exit strategy is a must because they want their investment protected.  By building this into your plan, potential investors will understand how you are looking out for their interests.An Exit Strategy Will Help You Know When to QuitAnother reason to think about your endgame is understanding when is it time to pull the plug.  Without thinking about this, it is easy to continue throwing good money after bad in a business venture that clearly isn't making it or working the way you planned.  By planning for this contingency in advance, you'll have clear mileposts to help you decide how and when to end the business, regardless of its success.It's important that you plan for your business exit.  I guarantee you'll leave your business someday and proper planning can make the difference between a successful exit and one that's not.I've seen exit strategy planning provide $500,000 swings for business owners. I've seen people lose out on this kind of money because they didn't do the planning and I've seen others walk away with this and more because they did the proper planning.


Selling Your Business - Top 7 Ways To Maximize Your Exit Strategy Now For Maximum Profit

This article has been written by US author Harvey Zemmel as a promotion for his book and I wouldn’t usually copy something so obviously promotional verbatim but on this occasion thought that the content warranted it.Leading financial researchers report that 75 percent of U.S. businesses do not sell. It dismays me to see entrepreneurs receiving so little in return for all their years of hard work. Or, having to shut their doors with no buyers in sight. It’s even more disappointing, since...

...businesses can easily take steps to achieve maximum perceived value for a potential buyer. It just takes a little planning, know-how and application to take a $100,000 a year profit generating business and sell it for either $200,000 or for over a million bucks? Do the math! Multiply your profits by two and by ten. That’s the range that you can sell your business for when you follow advice I give to clients including these seven steps to maximum profit.My Top 7 Ways to Maximize Your Exit Strategy Now And Sell Your Business For Maximum ProfitWhen it’s time to sell, you must ask an all-important question: "What am I doing to increase the asset value of my business?” To prepare for your sale, start with these pointers:1. Quantify Your Business Value No one will price your business without knowing its exact worth. You need to identify which assets to include or exclude from the sale. You also have to list your risks. Then you’ll have a better idea of the value of your business. It may not be worth as much as you’d like, but now you have a realistic idea about price... 



Do You Have An Exit Strategy For Selling Your Web-Based Business?

Guest Post By Jon Berman, Founder of the online business marketplace Venforo. Published by Stacie Drever

There are numerous blogs and online forums with tips and strategies covering the business of buying websites and online businesses. What is noticeable by its absence are strategies for internet entrepreneurs to sell their online businesses. Normally the preparation, and promotion is left to business brokers specializing in online business. But as the industry of buying online businesses matures and becomes more formalized, the ability of business owners to take control of their own future by selling their businesses directly to potential buyers, partners and investors will also mature.


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