How to Make a Killing Business Presentation for Sale

If you are a business owner, deciding to sell your business is a big step. No matter how small or big your business is, you will need to go through a period of preparation before you can finally sell your business. And one of the things you will need to do is create a good presentation that you will be showing potential buyers. Hence, here’s how to make a profitable business presentation for sale.

Related: Presentation Template (PowerPoint)

What Is A Presentation for Business Sale and Why Is It Important?

A presentation for business sale is exactly what it sounds like – it’s a presentation about your business that you will be using to introduce your business to potential buyers. Some business owners choose to sell their business without using a presentation, but there are some obvious benefits to having one:

  • Easily Present Information: Firstly, you will be able to present information easily as you will have all the key details condensed into a single presentation.
  • Effectively Communicate Benefits: Secondly, you will be able to communicate the benefits of your business effectively to your audience.
  • Keep Your Potential Buyers’ Attention: Thirdly, you will be able to keep your potential buyers’ attention while presenting.
  • Save Time and Resources: Lastly, you will be able to save time and resources because making a presentation is free and presenting it is faster than meeting up with every buyer without a plan in mind.

#1 Choose A Presentation Format

The first you need to do is choose your presentation format. Of course, the most obvious route to go is PowerPoint, but there’s more to the matter. Once your PowerPoint presentation is done, you can either keep it in the PPTX format or convert it to PDF which could make it easier for you to present it afterward.

Alternatively, you need to consider other options like Apple Keynote (if you are using Mac) or Google Slides (if you don’t have a memory stick but have access to the Internet). There are some less popular software options for making presentations, but they might not be as widely supported on different devices.

#2 Introduce Your Business

After you choose your presentation format, you can start actually creating your presentation. A good idea before that though is to first look at your website because that’s the gateway to finding your business. You can use a professional business site translation service to translate your website if you want to attract international buyers, but even a standard English version can do well.

So, back to the presentation. In the first several slides, you will need to introduce your business. Your audience will probably already know a bit about it from your website, but you still need to explain in detail what your business is and what it does (e.g. industry and niche, products or services, etc.)

#3 Highlight Its Good Sides

In the slides following the introduction, you need to highlight the best sides of your business. These will help you make your organization more appealing to potential buyers as you will be highlighting your business’s biggest advantages and achievements. Mention all the success you had building and marketing your brand, ROI on your marketing campaigns, audiences, and markets you have acquired through owned and earned media.

Of course, you should remember not to overexaggerate when talking about your business because you can end up painting a much brighter picture than what the reality is. Give facts and statistics to support your claims and truly prove to your potential buyers that what you are saying is not just empty words. Your audience will be skeptical, so it’s up to you to change their mind about your business.

#4 Talk About Financials

Once you’ve covered all the good sides of your business, you will need to talk about financials. For most business owners, this is by far the most difficult part of all but remember that it isn’t easy to talk about for buyers either. That being said, all the matters concerning finances need to be discussed as they are an essential part of your business.

As with the good sides of your business, you need to be honest and straightforward when talking about your financials. Don’t lie and don’t hide anything, but if there are some problems that your business has been experiencing on this front, explain how they could be solved by new owners.

#5 Describe Its Values

When talking about the values of your business, there are several things you need to cover. For instance, it’s worth talking about your brand image if you have one and discussing what exactly is valued in your company (e.g. teamwork and collaboration among employees, professionalism in customer service and external relations).

Related: How to Increase Your Business's Value As a Brand

On the other hand, some values of your business you might want to cover are a variety of the aforementioned benefits your organization has. For example, the previous good financial record or the current highly professional staff that the new owners might want to keep.

#6 Explain Why You Are Selling It

Though this part should not necessarily be included in your presentation (document), you should still talk about this during the presentation itself (meet-up with potential buyers). You should definitely explain why you are selling your business as this will probably come up anyway in the conversation.

Your potential buyers will want to know what led you to make this decision. Is the business becoming financially unsustainable? Or are you just tired of it and want to move on to something else? Whatever it is, make sure to be honest with your potential buyers and tell them everything as it is.

#7 Conclude with Expectations

Now that your presentation is almost done, you need to conclude it with your expectations. These expectations will need to concern both the ones for how fast you will sell your business and the ones for the potential future of your business in the hands of the new owners.

When do you think you will sell the business (e.g. by the end of the month because you have many potential buyers interested in it)? What can the new owners expect from your business (e.g. by using social media marketing, they can significantly increase the current social media following as social media marketing has proven successful for your brand in the past)?

#8 Proofread and Edit the Presentation

Last but not least, before you actually consider your presentation ready, you need to proofread and edit it. There will probably be at least some grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors that you need to correct. Leaving them in can give your audience an impression that you aren’t professional or serious about the matter.

Remember that editing is normal. If you feel that a particular slide has too much text, delete some of it or summarize it. Use bullet points instead of complete sentences. Most importantly, have visuals in your presentation – these can be photographs of your products and the office, diagrams and pie charts with statistics, and infographics with key info.

Final Thoughts

All in all, creating an effective presentation for selling your business will definitely take some time, but once it is ready, you will be able to deliver great presentations to your potential buyers. Use this guide to create your business for sale presentation and start the process of selling your business.

Jamie Fry - Purposeful and promising author. At this moment he is working at writing services review companies, as Pick the writer and Writing Judge and enhances his blogging skills. Confidently goes to his goal. He has a talent for writing original content. The main conviction in his life: «To be the best in the field in which you are developing». Always in search of fresh ideas.

Published by ExitAdviser


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