Buy a Lighting Business
Lighting businesses for sale
Lighting Business for Sale in Columbus
Columbus, Ohio, United States |
Quality vendors, great training and support, fantastic margins all make this a great opportunity to own and operate your own business. Business includes technology package, marketing, website, tools, inventory, and more to get started. Locations offered nationwide. Currently company has 6 locations in 5 states. A home office is all that is required. Most locations will rent a central storage unit... | Asking price: 20000 | Seller Financing: Yes
Lighting Business for Sale in Houston
Houston, Texas, United States |
Design and installation of outdoor lighting, landscape lighting, holiday lighting systems for residential and commercial projects. Quality vendors, great training and support, fantastic margins all make this a great opportunity to own and operate your own business. Everything included to get your business up and running. Including technology package, marketing, website, tools, inventory, and more... | Asking price: 20000
Lighting Business for Sale in Dallas
Dallas, Texas, United States |
Great Opportunity to own and operate your own Outdoor Lighting Franchise! The most cost effective outdoor lighting franchise you will find! Fall is often the busiest season for us with outdoor lighting and holiday lighting. Our Franchise locations include the following. Technology package which includes laptop and lighting software Website and Email hosted/updated by franchisor Search Engine... | Asking price: 20000 | Seller Financing: Yes
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