Buy a Barber Shop


Key Transaction Metrics Near You

Metro Area Average Asking Price (AP) AP to Revenue AP to Cash Flow
Richmond VA $451,500 0.7 3.2
Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News VA-NC $392,900 0.8 3.1
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria DC-VA-MD-WV $372,500 0.7 2.9

Key Metrics by Business Category

Business Category Average Asking Price (AP) AP to Revenue AP to Cash Flow
Machine Shops and Tool  Manufacturers $886,000 1.0 3.5
Bike Shops $536,500 1.0 2.2
Coffee Shops and Cafes $196,500 0.9 2.1
Donut Shops $232,500 1.1 2.9
Flower Shops $271,500 0.9 1.9
Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt Shops $280,500 0.9 2.6
Smoke Shops $219,000 1.0 1.8

Presented above are the most recent business-for-sale ads on . Owners are retiring at 3 companies (20% of listings).

ExitAdviser (this website) is an online For-Sale-by-Owner platform aimed at sole owners selling their companies.