Distribution Business for Sale
Profitable Plastics Durable Goods Distributor
Type of business: distribution, logistics, shipping, wholesale
An offer was submitted and accepted by the seller. Since it is in the preliminary stages, I will still offer information and answer questions about this business. We will not accept additional offers at this time.
This profitable 40-year-old plastics distributor can be operated from anywhere in the United States or Canada. Contract manufacturing & distribution is set up in Southern California while sales and management are located on the East Coast. Customers are the national big box stores. They submit their orders on credit cards which means cash flow or bad debt is not an issue with this successful business. The seller has this business operating like clockwork and is a certified vendor for some of the big box stores.
Asking price
Key financial facts and forecast
2021 Revenue: $1,361,819
2021 SDE: $305,222
Reason for selling
Category: Business | Distribution
Updated on
Located in US