Publishing Business for Sale

Profitable Book Publisher

  • Image 1 of the business listed for sale

This profitable traditional royalty paying book publisher represents over 800 authors from the United States, Canada and several other countries including the UK, Australia and even South Africa. The publisher represents authors of adult fiction, YA and children’s books. Their team consists of close to 30 editors, senior staff, marketing specialists and artists. They have received numerous awards over their years in business and continue to rack up awards each month for their books. They have a sales presence on Amazon, Google, iTunes, Barnes & Noble and many others. This business is over 15 years old and has a track record of success for itself and its authors. This business can be operated from anywhere in the United States or Canada.

Asking price


Key financial facts and forecast

2021 Revenue: $829,507

EBITDA: $38,185

SDE: $130,150

Reason for selling


Contact Seller

Category: Business | Publishing

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Located in US

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