Landscaping Services Business for Sale in Gaithersburg

We provide services such as tree removal, trimming, planting, stump grinding, and wood splitting in Montgomery County, Frederick County, Washington County, and Howard County.

Type of business: landscaping services, landscaping

We are a well established business of over 15 years. Our company name is well known in the area and very reputable. We have an extensive list of clients which continues to expand.

Asking price


Price is negotiable

Owner financing

Owner/seller financing is available.

Key financial facts and forecast

The approximate annual revenue of our business is $500,000. We expect this number to grow in future years.

Reason for selling

The owner of the company is looking to retire.

Required buyer qualifications

Buyers should be licensed as a Tree Expert by the state of Maryland, or willing to hire someone with the proper license upon purchase.

Contact Seller

Category: Business | Landscaping services

Updated on

Located in Gaithersburg, Maryland, US