Pool Services Business for Sale in Mesa
Highly Desirable Swimming Pool Service Route in the Mesa, AZ and surrounding area. (east valley)
Type of business: pool services, pool care
Monthly Re-occurring Income!! Invest in yourself!
*** Stable essential industry with virtually no failure rate if you do your job! ***
Be your own boss! No evenings or weekends. Unlimited growth potential!
45 established year round residential customers. All customers pre-pay monthly online. Easy billing! Filter cleans are done every 6 months and billed separately, where applicable.
Excellent Reputation and Happy Customers!!
All pools are well maintained and have a cleaning system. Pools are currently serviced Mon-Fri in approximately 25-30 hours per week.
Great locations in east valley (Maricopa county) with plenty of room to expand. Nice routes in Mesa, AZ and surrounding cites of Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, & Scottsdale.
Plus 300+ contacts, website, and training!!
Seller will provide 3 months one on one training and assistance during transition.
Includes: 45 pool routes and 300 customer list. 3 months training in the pool industry and current office/billing system included. Willing to negotiate company vehicle and longer training if needed.
Asking price
Key financial facts and forecast
Monthly reoccurring billing of $4,500. Plus filter cleans and repairs. All customers pre-pay monthly. Filter cleans are billed separately every 6 months, where applicable. Additional repairs available to generate income and room for growth on the route. Willing to train. Company has seen a 33% annual growth rate.
Pictured above: Profit Forecast
Pictured above: Business Value graphed against Cost of Equity
Reason for selling
focus on other project
Required buyer qualifications
Buyer must have a reliable truck or van, be physically capable of working outside in the Phoenix Arizona 110+ degree temps. The ideal new owner will need to have great people skills, patience, organization abilities, basic computer or smart phone skills, & integrity.
Category: Business | Pool services
Updated on
Located in Mesa, Arizona, US