Comic Book Store for Sale in St. Louis

Selling comic books, figures, memorabilia

Type of business: comic book store, comic shop

Comic Headquarters currently has around 100 regular, loyal pull list customers. On top of that, we have a plethora of weekly walk-in customers. CHQ is one of the oldest comic book stores in the Saint Louis area, as well as one of the only ones that focus on back-issues and collectible comics. The number of comic book movies and television shows that are coming out lately helps the comic book business grow.

Asking price


Key financial facts and forecast

Our store has seen a 160% increase in sales from 2015 to 2019. With the state of comic book movies, shows, and printed comics, projected sales are at an increase each year.

Profit forecast

Pictured above: Profit Forecast

The business value graphed against a range of cost of equity

Pictured above: Business Value graphed against Cost of Equity

Reason for selling

One owner has had a child and wishes to step away to spend more time with family. The other owner has multiple jobs and wishes to focus on those other endeavors.

Required buyer qualifications

We just want someone who loves comic books and wants to see the store thrive. Buyers need to be able to get financing up front.

Contact Seller

Category: Business | Comic book store

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Located in St. Louis, Missouri, US

Company website

The business's location on the map (St. Louis, Missouri, US)