Pet Grooming Business for Sale in Canyon Country
Grooms Pets (Dog & Cats) full grooming services including fashion cuts, flea baths and more, also sell some boutique pet supplies.
Type of business: pet grooming, pet care
ROI is very high for the investment required, rent it is very affordable, it s been running for 3+ years, and every year increasing sales. even a hand off owner can run the shop if needed., the YELP comments are very positive.
Asking price
Excellent reviews in Yelp and other media, lots of happy customers, positive cash flow all the times, and constant growth.
The calculated price based on the ROI result, would be $400,000.00 but due to owners illness, needs to do fast sale, although will support the new owner for some period..
Owner financing
Owner/seller financing is available.
70% down, 30% in 12 monthly payments
Key financial facts and forecast
No debt exists, all equipment is fully owned
Pictured above: Profit Forecast
Pictured above: Business Value graphed against Cost of Equity
Reason for selling
Owner illness
Required buyer qualifications
Buyer must have the means to buy the business, with its own cash
Category: Business | Pet grooming
Located in Canyon Country, California, US