Heating & Air Conditioning Services Business for Sale in Sandpoint

New construction installation, retro fit installation, service, repair, annual customer contracts, of all types of heating & cooling equipment

  • Image 1 of the business listed for sale
  • Image 2 of the business listed for sale
  • Image 3 of the business listed for sale

Type of business: heating & air conditioning services, hvac

A small business in a small, yet busy and growing community. This business has GREAT potential to grow: 1) as the construction industry keeps growing - ties with building contractors with potential to gain more contractors. 2) New residents are continually looking for the perfect fit in a heating company [for service, repair, installs and new construction] - that could be YOU!! 3) This company has customer annual service contracts with the potential for growth in this area as well. 4)The company has been around this community for 30 years - a name that is recognized and trusted in the community - a good reputation in work quality, service and ethic - that could bear your name!. 5) Customers are repeat customers and the realtors and property management teams are committed to doing business with this great, small town, reputable heating company - with potential to grow and expand this commitment of service. 6) This company sells customer service, recognized name brand equipment (furnaces, heating stoves, heat pumps, AC units and more!), service/maintenance contract/agreements, quality service and ties with area building contractors and more!!

Asking price


Includes: property with building ideally located along a busy two-lane highway, all operating equipment, all inventory, customer service contracts, customer base (list), 1-2 months office help/guidance

Owner financing

Owner/seller financing is available.

To be determined

Profit forecast

Pictured above: Profit Forecast

The business value graphed against a range of cost of equity

Pictured above: Business Value graphed against Cost of Equity

Reason for selling

Current owner looking to relocate

Required buyer qualifications

Potential buyer should have general knowledge/background of HVAC service, repair and installs. Current owners will help facilitate the transition of employees, contractors, customers, ect. to the buyer. Financing preferred, but may consider owner financing.

Contact Seller

Category: Business | Heating & air conditioning services

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Located in Sandpoint, IDAHO, US