Home Services Business for Sale in Fair Oaks
We are a franchise custom picture framer established 31 years. We provide custom framing and our location is a busy upscale center that includes Trader Joes in a high end neighborhood with excellent visibility.
We are well established in the community with very little competition as many stores did not survive the recent recession. This includes one of the largest big box competitors, Aaron Brothers. We have a customer database of 13,000 records with the majority of our business being repeat customers.
Asking price
This includes all equipment, inventory, furniture and fixtures, and design center.
Key financial facts and forecast
With the current housing boom, business is on a positive growth trajectory.
Pictured above: Profit Forecast
Pictured above: Business Value graphed against Cost of Equity
Reason for selling
Sales Memorandum
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Category: Business | Home services
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Located in Fair Oaks, California, US