Communications Business for Sale in California

Successful WISP for sale. We currently provide high speed internet to a large area of two counties in Northern CA.

Type of business: communications, it services, internet

The areas we serve are underserved by traditional ISP's. We have grown every year with no advertising simply word of mouth. The Network is a mixture of Cambium and Ubiquiti equipment. 90% of the AP's were updated this past year to prism and PMP450i access points.
So there is capacity and room for continued growth. Key infrastructure is connected via licensed links. We are on a number of towers with lease agreements in place.
We have no outstanding debt.

Asking price


Profit forecast

Pictured above: Profit Forecast

The business value graphed against a range of cost of equity

Pictured above: Business Value graphed against Cost of Equity

Reason for selling

We wish to focus our attention on other business ventures and look at relocating closer to family.

Required buyer qualifications

Prospective buyers should have experience in running a WISP. Best prospect would be someone who wants to expand their current network into an new area.

Contact Seller

Category: Business | Communications

Updated on

Located in California, US