Florist Shop for Sale in Fort Wayne
This local florist is located about 20 mins from Fort Wayne. This business has been owned and operated by the same owner since it was started more than 45 years ago. The current owner is ready for retirement. They are currently the only full service florist in town. Sales have grown every year for the last 3 years. The owner has built great relationships with local businesses and customers. These relationships offer great repeat business for this florist. This business is ready for a new owner to utilize this florist to its full potential.
Type of business: florist shop, a shop, a store
There is plenty of room for growth and expansion for the new owner. A new owner could start using the on-site greenhouse to sell annuals and perennials in the spring through the fall. The greenhouse could also be used in the winter for poinsettias. There is plenty of space on-site to sell outdoor plants such perennials,annuals, and small shrubs outside of the greenhouse. A new owner could expand the business by offering a variety of wire services. There is also very little in term of advertising done by the current owner. A new owner could advertise on social media and in local newspapers. There is a POS system in place but is not being used by the current owner.
Asking price
$176,000 plus inventory. Real Estate can be purchased for $150,000.
This business has been Pre-Approved for an SBA 7A Term Loan for a qualified buyer
Key financial facts and forecast
Sales have grown every year for the last 3 years.
Pictured above: Profit Forecast
Pictured above: Business Value graphed against Cost of Equity
Reason for selling
Owner is selling due to retirement.
Category: Business | Florist shop
Updated on
Located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, US