Delivery Services Business for Sale in Arlington
Provides on-demand services for the Legal Community in DFW and around the country performing process service, courier service, courthouse research, courthouse runners, and mobile notaries.
Type of business: delivery services, shipping, logistics, delivery
Established 18 year business have done business with over 3,300 firms locally and nationwide since its founding in 1999.
There are over 25,000 firms in the DFW area and Legal Eagle has operated a very successful business just serving a small percentage of them. The business is only constrained by the amount of advertising and partners (managers) a new owner wants to employ.
Asking price
Asking prices is 3x net and can be easily recouped by the buyer within less than 3 years of sale.
Key financial facts and forecast
Business has zero debt and no long-term liabilities. Owner will train for up to 2 weeks following sale.
Pictured above: Profit Forecast
Pictured above: Business Value graphed against Cost of Equity
Reason for selling
Looking to move out of state for teaching/coaching opportunity.
Required buyer qualifications
Buyers must have a minimum of $200k down. Owner financing for up to 3 years on $95k balance.
Sales Memorandum
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Category: Business | Delivery services
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Located in Arlington, Texas, US