Fitness Business for Sale in Pompano Beach

Sells custom kettlebells that have animal designs on them. ZOOBELLS operates in the exercise equipment sector.

ZOOBELLS has seen growth each year in sales and with the right new ownership, could easily grow this to 5x the size. Kettlebell training has become increasingly more popular each year and will continue to do so as people ditch steady state cardio for interval training. ZOOBELLS is one of only a few companies doing kettlebells with designs on them and with the right marketing can gain a large share of the market.

Asking price


Asking price is determined from financial facts as well as the IP of the patterns. We estimate it would cost a person new to the market $31,500 to prototype all the molds we have.

Key financial facts and forecast

ZOOBELLS has seen an increase in sales each year. We spent the first 4 years building and prototyping the patterns, directing all profit to there. 2016 and 2017 were our first profitable years but we also developed two more kettlebells. In 2018, we teamed up with a celebrity trainer to design another model, which is being marketed with their help. The heavy lifting with design is done, new ownership will only need to market and sell.

Profit forecast

Pictured above: Profit Forecast

The business value graphed against a range of cost of equity

Pictured above: Business Value graphed against Cost of Equity

Reason for selling

Owners other businesses are demanding more attention and has decided to direct more focus there.

Required buyer qualifications

Buyer must secure financing if needed.

Contact Seller

Category: Business | Fitness

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Located in Pompano Beach, Florida, US