Jewelry and Repair Business for Sale in Long Island
Family owned and operated, our company excels at handcrafted custom made fine jewelry, engagement rings and restoring heirlooms. A full service jewelry store providing expert repairs on all jewelry and watches as well as alterations to all jewelry and watches. Staff gemologists and appraisal specialists provide personal property appraisals for insurance and estate purposes.
Type of business: jewelry and repair, jewelry
Our reputation is impeccable. The local community has embraced us as the Go To Jeweler in the area for our onsite jewelry and watch repair services as well as jewelry redesign and alterations.
Since one high end jeweler with repair services closed (2 miles from us) 2 years ago we have seen our repair customer base increase dramatically. We have also been able to raise our prices accordingly as there is simply less competition in the mid to high range.
Asking price
Even though the Business Valuation Tool says it should be $370,000 we are asking $175,000 in order to facilitate a quicker sale.
Key financial facts and forecast
We have only included financials as they relate to the jewelry retail and repair business.
![Profit forecast](,y&chof=.png&chma=20,80,20,25&chtt=Profit Forecast&chts=333333,16&chco=2773ae&chd=t:25000,26250,27562,28941,30388&chxl=0:|2022|2023|2024|2025|2026)
Pictured above: Profit Forecast
![The business value graphed against a range of cost of equity](|8&chg=1,1&chma=20,80,20,25&chtt=Business+Value&chts=333333,16&chco=2773ae,fd8816&chd=t:0.05,0.06,0.07,0.08,0.09,0.1,0.11,0.12,0.13,0.14,0.15,0.16,0.17,0.18,0.19,0.2,0.21,0.22,0.23,0.24,0.25|383844,367193,351612,337019,323336,310492,298424,287074,276389,266320,256822,247856,239383,231369,223783,216595,209780,203312,197169,191330,185776|0.15,0.15|238844.88,274800.03&chxs=0N*p*&chxt=x,y&chxr=0,0,0.3&chds=a&chof=.png)
Pictured above: Business Value graphed against Cost of Equity
Reason for selling
Owner retiring
Required buyer qualifications
$100,000 minimum down to close with balance with terms
No previous unresolved Better Business Bureau Claims, No bankruptcies, No criminal records relating to business dealings.
Sales Memorandum
Download Sales Memorandum
Category: Business | Jewelry and repair
Updated on
Located in Long Island, New York, US